Why Hajjee.com ? What do we do, Our aim, our mission.

Why Choose Hajjee.com ?

  1. Trust and transparency: We connect you with a network of verified and reputable travel agents specializing in Hajj and Umrah packages.
    • Be confident knowing you're connected with reliable agents through our vetting process. We value your trust and strive to provide complete transparency throughout your booking experience.
    • Directly interact with agents: Ask questions, negotiate the best deal, and finalize arrangements with confidence.
  2. Convenience and flexibility:Find the perfect package for your needs and budget by comparing offerings from multiple agents.
  3. Direct booking or Hajjee Protect: Choose the option that best suits your needs:

    • Direct booking: Interact directly with agents to book, personalize your package and negotiate the best deal.
    • Hajjee Protect: Opt for enhanced security by utilizing our escrow service to safeguard your payments until key milestones are met.
  4. Security:Choose the optional Hajjee Protect feature for secure payment handling.
  5. Hajjee Protect, protects your payment and steps in to secure your journey if your Travel Agent/Travel Company abondons you or engages with fraudulent activity. We will help you continue your trip by providing financial assistance to rearrange essential elements like: Visa, Flight Tickets, Food and Accomodation. To Know MoreClick

Package Protection:

  • Hajjee.com covers your Visa, Air Tickets, Food Accomodation in the event, your travel agents stops communicating or abondons you in the mid of trip when you have booked with 'Hajjee Protect' on the platform Hajjee.com.
  • It acts like your package insurance for a stress free trip.

    Community & Feedback :

  • Join a vibrant community of fellow pilgrims, share experiences, and provide feedback to help us improve our services continually.
  • Expertise & Experience :

  • Benefit from the expertise and experience of our trusted network of travel agents, ensuring a memorable and fulfilling pilgrimage experience.
  • We also promote the hajj and umrah packages listed for customers by multiple agents on the platform and facilitate traveller booking with 'Hajjee Protect' for

    1. Visa verification.
    2. Air Ticket verification.
    3. Create digital escrow account
    4. Process payments as per defined terms.

    The platform that we are discussing, is an online platform that specializes in providing hajj and umrah travel packages. The platform's main function is to connect individuals and groups with a network of reputable travel agents who specialize in pilgrimage travel.

    Our aim is to offer a wide range of packages for hajj and umrah. Our agents packages include common services such as flight itinerary, visa assistance, tickets for transportation, accommodation, and food.

    Our goal and mission is to make the pilgrimage planning process as seamless and stress-free as possible, while also providing a secure and reliable platform for our clients to book their travel packages. We are committed to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring that your pilgrimage is a meaningful and enriching experience.

    The platform is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and allows clients to compare different options, check availability, and make a reservation with just a few clicks. The platform also has a team of experienced travel experts available to assist clients with any questions or concerns they may have.